Opening hours

Centre Info

Opening Hours & Contacts

Ocean Terminal, Leith, Edinburgh, EH6 6JJ, Scotland
0131 475 9400
Mon-Fri 10am-8pm Bars, restaurants and cinema open after. Sat 10am-7pm. Sun 11am-6pm
Some store hours may vary. Please contact individual stores direct to check.

All Stores

Pizza Express


Mon-Sat 11.30am-10pm

Sun 12-10pm

Tel: 0131 555 0606

Pop in & Play - Table Tennis


Sat & Sun 11am - 2pm
Full program coming soon

Tel: 7739912812

Porta Pups Dog Creche


Mon-Fri 10am-6pm

(8.30am for full days by arrangement)

Saturday 11am-6pm

Closed Sunday

Tel: 07411 018 582

Pure Gym


Mon-Sun 24 hrs

Tel: 0845 189 4709